Payment, currencies & taxes

Payment is made by credit or bank cards, using our secure SAFERPAY platform. The following cards are accepted: Mastercard, Visa. Prices are expressed in Swiss francs (CHF), 8.1% VAT included.

Delivery scope

Online orders are only taken into account for deliveries within Switzerland. For deliveries abroad, please contact Cave Jean-René Germanier SA by telephone on +41 27 346 12 16, send an e-mail to

Delivery delay

On average, deliveries are made within 3 working days from receipt of the order.

Shipping cost

Delivery costs are calculated according to the weight of the merchandise.
Free home delivery, from Fr. 250.00 of order.

Cancellation of orders and right of return

Cases of non-performance of the contract are subject to the Swiss legal regime.
We make the customer aware that once validated, the order cannot be canceled.
The customer has the obligation to check the items received. In the event of non-compliance with the order, the customer must notify Cave Jean-René Germanier SA without delay by e-mail at and by telephone at 027 346 12 16. The possible return of the items will be organized by Cave Jean-René Germanier SA who will indicate to the customer the procedure to follow.

Applicable right

These conditions of sale are subject exclusively to Swiss law. By using the online sales service, customers of Cave Jean-René Germanier SA undertake to respect all relevant provisions of federal law and cantonal law as well as these conditions of sale. They are particularly reminded of the fact that under art. 38 of the cantonal law on hotels, restaurants and the trade in alcoholic beverages, children or adolescents under 16 years of age cannot access the online sales service.

Legal jurisdiction

The jurisdiction is at 1963 Vétroz/VS, in Switzerland.

That said...

Our goal is to serve you as best as possible. If you are not satisfied with the quality of our wines or our services, do not hesitate to contact us.